Latest Trainings

Explore our latest trainings on forensic science, where cutting-edge knowledge meets practical expertise. Our programs are designed to empower aspiring forensic professionals and enhance the skills of those already in the field. Stay at the forefront of forensic science with our dynamic training opportunities.

Advancements in Ballistics Analysis for Investigating Armed Conflicts in Afghanistan

In the rugged landscapes of Afghanistan, armed conflicts have left a complex web of challenges in their wake. From insurgent attacks to military ...

Utilizing Digital Forensics to Combat Cybercrime: A Case Study from Afghanistan

In an increasingly interconnected world, the rise of cybercrime has posed significant challenges to law enforcement and security agencies globally.


Unlock the world of forensic science through our comprehensive education programs. Dive into the intricacies of this captivating field, from crime scene analysis to DNA profiling. Join us in the pursuit of knowledge, as we prepare the next generation of forensic experts.